主题:He's the most charm guy I ever seen [20]

№0 ☆☆☆Matrix 2004-03-30 01:33:55留言☆☆☆  加书签 投诉 不再看TA

izzit? ok la... too old 4 me... :P
№1 ☆☆☆hsquek2004-03-30 02:34:01留言☆☆☆ 
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№2 ☆☆☆鲤跳!!2004-03-30 02:41:46留言☆☆☆ 
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He sucks............
№3 ☆☆☆KK2004-03-30 05:37:33留言☆☆☆ 
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№4 ☆☆☆石流2004-03-30 07:19:50留言☆☆☆ 
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№5 ☆☆☆如沐春光2004-03-30 09:38:23留言☆☆☆ 
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№6 ☆☆☆MADA2004-03-30 09:49:41留言☆☆☆ 
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He sucks............
☆☆☆KK于2004-03-30 05:37:33留言☆☆☆
I will respect your opinion, just tell one reason why do you think he sucks. He’s one of my favorite actors. Nobody could deny his hard work?  Have seen his latest movie-"Last Samurai", it’s one of the best movies.
His figure is impeccable, at least that’s what I think.  He’s not like a lot of Asian girlish-looking boys.  In my eyes he symbolizes the real man, not only because of his figure, it’s the way he handles things so maturely.
№7 ☆☆☆Matrix2004-04-01 14:54:33留言☆☆☆ 
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He sucks............
☆☆☆KK于2004-03-30 05:37:33留言☆☆☆
№8 ☆☆☆天气不好心情不好2004-04-01 15:33:19留言☆☆☆ 
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wa, sai!
№9 ☆☆☆---2004-04-01 16:33:45留言☆☆☆ 
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☆☆☆天气不好心情不好于2004-04-01 15:33:19留言☆☆☆
说他吸食不好的东东~~其实就象Matrix所说,没真凭实据的不好讲~~阿汤哥有那么多的FANS,在娱乐圈也一直屹立不倒,不是单靠一张脸来维持的~~再套句Matrix的话:Nobody could deny his hard work~~
№10 ☆☆☆HOHO2004-04-01 16:44:17留言☆☆☆ 
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His smile is so sexy.
№11 ☆☆☆Matrix2004-04-02 05:31:44留言☆☆☆ 
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I agree with u. I don’t remember most of the actors and actress, not even the Chinese ones, but he’s the first foreign actor I could recognize! So there should be something special about him.
PS I love his movies~~~~~~~~
№12 ☆☆☆老鼠2004-04-02 07:19:55留言☆☆☆ 
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I will respect your opinion, just tell one reason why do you think he sucks. He’s one of my favorite actors. Nobody could deny his hard work?  Have seen his latest movie-"Last Samurai", it’s one of the best movies.
His figure is impeccable, at least that’s what I think.  He’s not like a lot of Asian girlish-looking boys.  In my eyes he symbolizes the real man, not only because of his figure, it’s the way he handles things so maturely.
☆☆☆Matrix于2004-04-01 14:54:33留言☆☆☆
I agree with u. However, why I said:"He sucks" is because of my personal opinion. Everyone has different opinions, right? And I like his movies, but his personality.
№13 ☆☆☆KK2004-04-02 09:38:33留言☆☆☆ 
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A lot of people think tom sucks.
The Last Samurai also sucks.
№14 ☆☆☆zxdbear2004-04-02 10:20:18留言☆☆☆ 
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№15 ☆☆☆天气不好心情不好2004-04-02 10:39:08留言☆☆☆ 
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№16 ☆☆☆xiaoyu2004-04-02 10:43:06留言☆☆☆ 
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yeah...his smile is sexy....
I am not his fan...but..i like his smile...at least...he’s like a real man to me...not girlish...
His Minority Report is one of my favorite movies..
BTW..haven’t watch Last Samurai...most of my friends told me it’s amazing...
№17 ☆☆☆flyingsnow2004-04-02 10:56:37留言☆☆☆ 
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A lot of people think tom sucks.
The Last Samurai also sucks.
☆☆☆zxdbear于2004-04-02 10:20:18留言☆☆☆
The reason you think it sucks, is it because of that a lot of people think his movies and him suck?  
№18 ☆☆☆Matrix2004-04-02 12:32:23留言☆☆☆ 
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I will never forgot the amazement he gave me in the "Last Samurai".  I haven’t find the same impression in other movies yet.
№19 ☆☆☆Matrix2004-04-02 13:24:59留言☆☆☆ 
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I will respect your opinion, just tell one reason why do you think he sucks. He’s one of my favorite actors. Nobody could deny his hard work?  Have seen his latest movie-"Last Samurai", it’s one of the best movies.
His figure is impeccable, at least that’s what I think.  He’s not like a lot of Asian girlish-looking boys.  In my eyes he symbolizes the real man, not only because of his figure, it’s the way he handles things so maturely.
☆☆☆Matrix于2004-04-01 14:54:33留言☆☆☆
whoa whoa whoa~ here comes our tommy fan
№20 ☆☆☆aaa2004-04-02 15:56:31留言☆☆☆ 
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